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Go Deeper with God


God wants a relationship with you!

God can speak to you any time, anywhere, at any moment. He wants to go deeper with you! So why not click record and share an edifying message to other fellow believers?


Living in tents

 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob lived by faith as migrants in the promised land as though it belonged to someone else.  They lived in tents because their eyes of faith were focused on the invisible city with unshakeable foundations whose architect and city planner is God Himself.  Hebrews 11:8-10


In a manner of speaking Grace Church also lives in tents, moving from one rented venue to another.  Even though we purchased land for a church in Yangon, Myanmar and built a small multifunction facility and house on it, we have never built one for ourselves in Auckland, New Zealand.  This seems to have been the Lord’s plan for Grace Church.


When GAA outgrew a family home they began renting the conference room of a motel. This served very well for an extended period, then they were on the move again, from Greenlane to Birkenhead, then back to Greenlane.  It was at the Greenlane premises that a few from Victory Christian Church joined.  Looking back this too seems to have been the Lord’s plan for Grace Church.


Moving from Greenlane to Penrose to Westhaven Marina.  Tragedy struck.  Pastor Soo Yong Foo suffered a massive cerebral embolism and just a few hours later went home to be with the Lord.  At the very same time, in the same hospital, Pastor Marian Than was struck down with life threatening meningitis.  Those were life changing events!


We moved from Richmond Yacht Club to Ponsonby Cruising Club for a few years until Covid hit.  We then moved online for a while. When Auckland came out of Covid we moved to Auckland Irish Club in Mt Albert, and we are still meeting there.


We continue the race set before us with this wonderful family of faith, filled with the Spirit of the living God. We have access to all the resources of Heaven to see His will done here, in our part of the earth, in this time, as it is done in Heaven.  Our prayer for everyone is from 1 Peter 2:2. May God give you more and more grace and [shalom] peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.

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